4 Following

attempting obscurity

I mess around with writing, but deep down I'm pretty sure I'll never actually get published because I treat it like a hobby and not a passion -- I write when I have time, instead of making time to write.


When I read, I prefer YA sci-fi/ fantasy as my go-to fiction reads. I tend toward this genre because I read fiction as an escape from the daily drudge of life. YA sci/fi-fantasy usually has more upbeat/ hopeful endings, while adult fiction of any genre (except romance) tends to have more depressingly realistic endings. Sometimes I read romance novels, but I really prefer the type with plot/ character development between sex scenes, and I don't like having to hunt for them.


In non-fiction, I prefer history, biographies, psychology, gender studies, social/applied sciences, and law/ public policy.

Currently reading

Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow Into Troublesome Gaps -- And What We Can Do About It
Lise Eliot
White by Law: The Legal Construction of Race
Ian F. Haney López

The Eternal Kiss: 13 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire

The Eternal Kiss: 13 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire - It had some neat little stories and some that were just irritating. I like anthologies for two main reasons: One, they're short stories. I prefer my short stories not to have dangling, empty endings, and far too many of these felt like a chapter pulled from a book. No real context or story arc to them. The other reason I like anthologies is because I find new and awesome writers that way. Unfortunately, none of the authors whose work I wasn't previously acquainted with caught my eye.Still, for being a book of vampire short stories (which I already have an innate bias against), it wasn't bad. I just don't think vampires are particularly suited to short stories -- these all hinted at some larger, more important backstory. Some forward-shooting story arc. They were unsatisfying because they felt unfinished.