4 Following

attempting obscurity

I mess around with writing, but deep down I'm pretty sure I'll never actually get published because I treat it like a hobby and not a passion -- I write when I have time, instead of making time to write.


When I read, I prefer YA sci-fi/ fantasy as my go-to fiction reads. I tend toward this genre because I read fiction as an escape from the daily drudge of life. YA sci/fi-fantasy usually has more upbeat/ hopeful endings, while adult fiction of any genre (except romance) tends to have more depressingly realistic endings. Sometimes I read romance novels, but I really prefer the type with plot/ character development between sex scenes, and I don't like having to hunt for them.


In non-fiction, I prefer history, biographies, psychology, gender studies, social/applied sciences, and law/ public policy.

Currently reading

Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow Into Troublesome Gaps -- And What We Can Do About It
Lise Eliot
White by Law: The Legal Construction of Race
Ian F. Haney López
April 2013
url: The Time Traveler's Wife
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger Summary & Study Guide - BookRags
updated shelf
April 2013
reviewed: Ethan of Athos
Bujold is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, as her descriptive writing and masterful weaving of varied plotlines a...
Ethan of Athos - Lois McMaster Bujold
reviewed: The Lord of the Rings
As this was much faster-paced and more action-packed than its predecessor, I enjoyed this book much more than The Fellowship ...
The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
reviewed: Fahrenheit 451: A Novel
I've always liked Ray Bradbury, and I thought this was an interesting view of a possible future. It ended on what I felt was...
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
reviewed: The Golden Compass
Well written, and I'm interested to see where the series goes. I was pulled into this from the first paragraph, and have so ...
The Golden Compass  - Philip Pullman
reviewed: All the Fishes Come Home to Roost: An American Misfit in India
I very much enjoyed this. I don't normally read autobiographies, but the verve and humor with which this one is written capt...
All the Fishes Come Home to Roost: An American Misfit in India - Rachel Manija Brown
reviewed: Fantasy Gone Wrong
I like to get short story anthologies, because they're interruptable (I have issues with putting a book down mid-plot to go d...
Fantasy Gone Wrong - Martin H. Greenberg, Brittiany A. Koren, Brian M. Stableford, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Fiona Patton, Jim C. Hines, Esther M. Friesner, Donald J. Bingle, Alan Dean Foster, Devon Monk, Phaedra M. Weldon, Christina F. York, Jana Paniccia, Josepha Sherman, Susan Sizemore, Mi
reviewed: Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
The way Ms. Rowling finally started to flesh out the Slytherin's and give them a more rounded personality was cool. The way ...
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré
reviewed: Johnny Tremain
I haven't read this in ages and ages, but I've been telling so many people about it lately that I figured I should just go ah...
Johnny Tremain - Esther Forbes
reviewed: Twilight (The Twilight Saga, Book 1)
I think my eyes were bleeding a little when I finished this book. It was, without a doubt, one of the most juvenile pieces o...
Twilight  - Stephenie Meyer
reviewed: A Civil Campaign
I thought this was well-written and interesting. I particularly enjoyed the fact that the protagonist was not your usual "pr...
A Civil Campaign - Lois McMaster Bujold
reviewed: Calico Captive
This is one of those books (like Johnny Tremain) that I read as a kid, and while I never did own a copy, I checked it out fro...
Calico Captive - Elizabeth George Speare, W.T. Mars
reviewed: Peter Pan (Scribner Illustrated Classic)
Another one I read as a teen. And I've always gone for this very specific edition, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman, becaus...
Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie, Trina Schart Hyman
reviewed: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume 2: The Magicians of Caprona / Witch Week
It's a cute, quick and fun little fantasy read. Diana Wynne Jones is one of those authors who manages to convey a quirky sen...
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Vol. 2 - Diana Wynne Jones
reviewed: Odd and the Frost Giants
This is a beautiful riff on a classic Norse myth, and I loved it.
Odd and the Frost Giants - Neil Gaiman, Brett Helquist
reviewed: The Silver Dream: An InterWorld Novel
Quick Note: I read this on my brand-new Nook. I actually checked it out from our local library's e-reading program, which m...
The Silver Dream - Michael Reaves, Mallory Reaves, Neil Gaiman